full transcript

From the Ted Talk by James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now the tragedy about climate change is that we can solve it with a spilme, honest approach of a gradually risnig corabn fee collected from fossil fuel companies and distributed 100 percent etcrclelaloniy every month to all legal residents on a per ciatpa basis, with the government not keeping one dime. Most people would get more in the monthly dividend than they'd pay in icesnaerd prices. This fee and dividend would suaimltte the economy and innovations, creating millions of jobs. It is the principal requirement for moving us rapidly to a clean energy future.

Open Cloze

Now the tragedy about climate change is that we can solve it with a ______, honest approach of a gradually ______ ______ fee collected from fossil fuel companies and distributed 100 percent ______________ every month to all legal residents on a per ______ basis, with the government not keeping one dime. Most people would get more in the monthly dividend than they'd pay in _________ prices. This fee and dividend would _________ the economy and innovations, creating millions of jobs. It is the principal requirement for moving us rapidly to a clean energy future.


  1. increased
  2. carbon
  3. stimulate
  4. electronically
  5. capita
  6. simple
  7. rising

Original Text

Now the tragedy about climate change is that we can solve it with a simple, honest approach of a gradually rising carbon fee collected from fossil fuel companies and distributed 100 percent electronically every month to all legal residents on a per capita basis, with the government not keeping one dime. Most people would get more in the monthly dividend than they'd pay in increased prices. This fee and dividend would stimulate the economy and innovations, creating millions of jobs. It is the principal requirement for moving us rapidly to a clean energy future.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
global warming 7
climate change 7
energy imbalance 5
fossil fuels 4
sea level 4
ice sheets 4
white house 3
greenhouse effect 3
energy balance 3
fossil fuel 3
van allen 2
york times 2
nasa headquarters 2
climate history 2
energy coming 2
gaining heat 2
deep ocean 2
change deniers 2
burning fossil 2
ice sheet 2
important point 2
amplifying feedbacks 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
climate change deniers 2

Important Words

  1. approach
  2. basis
  3. capita
  4. carbon
  5. change
  6. clean
  7. climate
  8. collected
  9. companies
  10. creating
  11. dime
  12. distributed
  13. dividend
  14. economy
  15. electronically
  16. energy
  17. fee
  18. fossil
  19. fuel
  20. future
  21. government
  22. gradually
  23. honest
  24. increased
  25. innovations
  26. jobs
  27. keeping
  28. legal
  29. millions
  30. month
  31. monthly
  32. moving
  33. pay
  34. people
  35. percent
  36. prices
  37. principal
  38. rapidly
  39. requirement
  40. residents
  41. rising
  42. simple
  43. solve
  44. stimulate
  45. tragedy